AQUATIC, JEPARA – (10/24/2021), Community service activities related to the introduction of the “Biorock” media have been carried out. This activity was carried out by several teaching staff from the Water Resources Management Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University.

Coastal ecosystem in Bulu Jepara Village. Jepara District, Jepara Regency is a unique ecosystem and is dominated by many types of seagrass and coral reef ecosystems. This ecosystem can contribute to the productivity of biological resources and increase the diversity of high biological resources. However, based on the passage of time, the coastal ecosystem in the Bulu Village area has experienced a lot of degradation due to various activities on the land, such as the opening of ponds, construction of resorts and settlements and the use of mooring fishing boats around. Kartini Beach waters area, apart from having great potential in supporting marine tourism activities, it also has the potential to experience degradation of its ecosystem. Therefore, it is necessary to understand conservation activities such as by implementing Biorock.

Besides being able to increase the development and growth of corals, the presence of Biorock can also stimulate the crowding of fish in these shallow waters to occupy them and eat the epiphytes that are also attached to the applied Biorock material. Therefore, the application of Biorock has a significant role, especially in efforts to conserve or improve the quality of shallow marine ecosystems.

Media Biorock

This Service Team consists of chairperson by Dr. Ir. Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo, M.S. , and consists of Prof. Norma Afiati, M.Sc., Ph.D , Oktavianto Eko Jati, S.Pi., M.Sc., and Kukuh Prakoso, S.Pi., M.Sc. This activity is in collaboration with the Ocean Fisherman Group in Bulu Village, Jepara. The service team provides counseling and knowledge related to the “Biorock” media. And continued with the submission of Biorock media to Mr. Mmujiono as the Chair of the Ocean Fisherman group. After that, the Biorock media was installed in the waters. According to Mr. Mujiono “This Biorock media is very useful for helping coral growth, hopefully with this media it can help preserve the environment and can improve ecosystems in the waters.” It is hoped that this activity can support environmental conservation, especially corals.

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