Aquatic Resources Department

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

Universitas Diponegoro | The Excellent Research University


Universitas Diponegoro is 1 of 10 universities among 4,700 tertiary institutions in Indonesia that are included in the World Class University Ranks. For this reason, Undip continues to improve the quality of class education supported by competent and professional teachers.




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Judisium of March 2024

Semarang, 2 April 2024 Congratulations to MSP students who have done the Judisium in March 2024🌻 The following is a list of names of students participating in the Judisium: 1. M. Fajar Iswanto 26010119130076 2. Fauziyah Wulandari 26010119130070 3. Febri Hutagalung...

Judisium of February 2024

Semarang, 7 March 2024 Congratulations to MSP students who have done the Judisium in February 2024🌻 The following is a list of names of students participating in the Judisium: 1. Yayuk Dwi Lestari 26010119120012 2. Omy Resta Febila 26010119130072 3. Aulia Anggraeni...

Research & Dedication

Inspirational, Students from the Water Resources Management Study Program at Diponegoro University Create a Simple Water Filtering Tool to Help the Availability of Clean Water in Cangkol Village, Plupuh District, Sragen City

Plupuh (03/08/2023) Clean water is a primary human need to meet all human activities that occur. Consuming water that has high levels of hardness...

Amazing, FPIK Undip together with the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Holds Fish Restocking Activities in Jatibarang Reservoir, Semarang

Gunungpati, Semarang (24 September 2022) - The Indonesian Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono with the Dean of FPIK...

After the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Universitas Diponegoro Team Helps Increase the Productivity of the Tambak Lorok Community by Cultivating Green Scallops

The team from Universitas Diponegoro conducted community service activities in Tambak Lorok, Semarang. The team consists of Dr. Hersugondo (FEB,...

Promoting Eco-Edu-Tourism, FPIK Undip Team Plants Seagrass in Dugong Habitat Kabola Beach, Alor

One of the genetic biodiversity in Alor Island is the marine mammal Dugong dugon. These marine mammals are often found on Kabola Beach. The...

The Covid 19 pandemic has reduced, the Dept. of Water Resources team develops ecotourism and provides training in snorkeling techniques for tour guides at Wates Beach, Kaliori District, Rembang Regency

The Team from the Department of Aquatic Resources, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro has carried out community...


Yelfia FPIK UNDIP Alumni, Tells the Struggle to Make Fish Food Business

AQUATIC, SEMARANG - In the hands of Yelfia, an alumni of the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program (MSP) of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine...

The “Crown” of Water Resources Management Study Program FPIK UNDIP Talks about its Alma mater

AQUATIC, SEMARANG - Profiles and figures of alumni of higher education institutions are not only recognized as one of the pillars of performance,...

Haris Muhtadi Alumni of FPIK UNDIP, Now Successfully Leading an International Feed Company

AQUATIC, SEMARANG - Thousands of alumni of Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) scattered throughout the country have their own stories of success that...


Check our annual sustainability report at Undip’s SDGs Center.

Alumni Testimonials :

Dr. Rizky Muliani Dwi Ujianti, S.Pi., MSi.

Lecturer of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, PGRI University Semarang

“The knowledge I gained was very useful for my self-development as a lecturer in the tri dharma of higher education, namely: teaching, researching and serving the community. MSP UNDIP, Jaya!”

Titus Pramono, S.Pi

Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia

“MSP Study Program is a combination of basic fisheries. Students are equipped to compete in water management, coastal management, aquaculture and capture fisheries. So when I started working in shrimp hatchery, I was able to adapt and work”

Endang Rahmi Hute, S.Pi., M.Pi

DPRD Muna Barat

“I am proud to be a part of MSP UNDIP. Thank you to all Lecturers & Staff for their dedication. Various non-academic skills and abilities as provisions for dealing with problems after graduation, all of which became the foundation of my personality character”

Widhya Nugroho Satrioajie

Young Expert Researcher, Center for Biological Research, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2B-LIPI), Cibinong Science Center | Wageningen University and Research Doctoral Candidate.

“Quite a lot of MSP alumni of the Department of Aquatic Resources, FPIK who work in research institutions such as LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) and the Ministry of Research and Development Agency, this proves that Fisheries graduates can have qualified abilities and wide opportunities to be able to develop careers and work as researchers”

Pintya Dwanita Ayu Pratesthi, S.Pi

Owner PRATESTHI batik, Craft, Ecoprint

“Many people think studying at MSP will only gain knowledge about water management. But it’s actually more than that. This campus also provides opportunities and experiences in developing soft skills skills. Lecture activities and field practicums that hone character, communication skills, leadership spirit, and forming a work ethic is an important provision for my current business”

Adnan Arsani Hirmawan, S.Pi


“I realized that Water Resources in Indonesia are very rich and there are still many that have not been utilized optimally. Thank God after graduating from college in 2018 until now, I can build and develop a START-UP Company in the Microalgae Biotechnology Sector”

Ipung Yuningtyas, S.Pi

Branch Manager Bank Mandiri

“The managerial and leadership lessons learned during college are useful in today’s workplace. Forgings during college, laboratory practicum, field practicum, student activities, being a lecturer assistant form a strong and independent person who is able to face challenges, and this is an important capital for his success”

Domas Kurnia Ariawanti, S.Pi, M.Ling

Head of Fisheries Business Control, Semarang City Fisheries Service

“There is a lot of knowledge that I can apply while studying at MSP FPIK UNDIP, in carrying out public services, especially in the field of fisheries, one of which is in terms of supervision, control, preservation of marine fisheries resources and the environment in Semarang City”

M. Nanang Nasrul Amin, S.Pi., M.Pi

Head of Sub-Division of Fisheries and Supervision Programs

“As a graduate of MSP FPIK UNDIP, I am very proud, because his knowledge covers all fields of fisheries. Everything is studied: Water Quality Management, Basic Aquaculture, Catch Management and Fish Processing needed in the world of work. Basic and core fisheries are in MSP”

Rezha Mahardika, S.Pi., M.Sc

Owner PT. Mahardika Sukses Sejahtera | Oil and Gas Mining Sector

“Scientific studies, the adaptation process and all the complexities that I went through in the MSP study program of the Department of Aquatic Resources FPIK UNDIP gave me a high level of confidence to be able to master new things. And this is my biggest asset to achieve my life goals. Thank you FPIK UNDIP”

Dwi Atminarso

Young Expert Researcher, Public Water Fisheries Research Institute and Fisheries Extension, KKP | Doctoral candidate at Charles Sturt University, Australia

“I got a prestigious job as a fishery researcher who carried out studies on inland fisheries management to maintain resource sustainability. After working for 10 years at this institution I received a Masters and Doctoral scholarship in Australia. In Australia, I built networking with world-class researchers and collaborated in a global research project”

Misbah, S.Pi

Owner CV. Bintang Cataleya

“Approximately 10 years as an ex-alumnus of MSP 2004 gave me an extraordinary experience. Especially managerial matters. And very useful for new things that I was involved in. To dream, mentally strong and enthusiastic to move forward”

Mahardhika A. Nusantara, S.Pi., M.Si

Sub-Coordinator of the Substance Group for the Development of Goods and Processes Scheme, National Standardization Agency of the Republic of Indonesia

“Learning as an UNDIP MSP student is very useful for my current job, namely as an ASN who is given the mandate to be able to formulate procedures/procedures/requirements that will be used for certification purposes (conformity assessment schemes) based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), in where the demand is to be able to make decisions from data as well as experience and knowledge that is studied holistically”

Rizqi Waladi Purwandatama S.Pi

Supervisor Divisi Animal Health Service, PT. Central Proteinaprima, tbk

“Being a Bachelor of Fisheries from an MSP UNDIP alumni gives high personal confidence, and it is proven, Alhamdulillah after graduating I was accepted in a bona fide company with a not too long waiting period. ), improve team work skills, communicate and relate to new people”