Department of Aquatic Resources | Become one of the leading centers for coastal science and technology development.

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Research and Dedication of Undip

Uncover the mysteries of nature and technology in vivid experiments. Books and journals, loyal companions in hand, Campus is a place where research comes to life.

Devotion is always the application of knowledge for the good of society. Teaching, sharing and inspiring, the University is a sacred place of service.


Real Steps of Undip MSP Study Program: Re-Stocking Black Tilapia Seeds in Rawa Pening Lake

Danau Rawa Pening, October 25, 2024 - The Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3M) Service Team of the Management of Aquatic Resources (MSP) Diponegoro University chaired by Arif Rahman, S.Pi., M.Si. and consisting of Oktavianto Eko Jati, S.Pi., M.Si.,...

General Lecture “Ascidians and Their Ecological Role in the Marine Ecosystem”

Hello everyone! Study Program of Aquatic Resources Management, Department of Aquatic Resources, FPIK, Undip invites you to take part in our General Lecture with the theme: "Ascidians and Their Ecological Role in the Marine Ecosystem" This online General Lecture will...

Judisium of March 2024

Semarang, 2 April 2024 Congratulations to MSP students who have done the Judisium in March 2024🌻 The following is a list of names of students participating in the Judisium: 1. M. Fajar Iswanto 26010119130076 2. Fauziyah Wulandari 26010119130070 3. Febri Hutagalung...

Inauguration Ceremony of the Student Association Room of the Aquatic Resources Department

FPIK, Semarang - On Thursday (7/3), the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program inaugurated the Aquatic Resources Management Student Association (HIMA) Room, including HIMASAKA, Kecebonk, and C-Fish. The inauguration was attended by the Head of Department and Head...

Judisium of February 2024

Semarang, 7 March 2024 Congratulations to MSP students who have done the Judisium in February 2024🌻 The following is a list of names of students participating in the Judisium: 1. Yayuk Dwi Lestari 26010119120012 2. Omy Resta Febila 26010119130072 3. Aulia Anggraeni...


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Sustainable Development Goals Undip

“Universitas Diponegoro as a higher education institution in Indonesia is committed to implementing various programs related to SDGs. All faculties, schools and other units at Undip have prepared programs and activities to achieve the 17 goals in the SDGs. This is in order to support the Indonesian Government’s commitment to achieving the SDGs national targets.”