FPIK, Semarang – On Thursday (7/3), the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program inaugurated the Aquatic Resources Management Student Association (HIMA) Room, including HIMASAKA, Kecebonk, and C-Fish. The inauguration was attended by the Head of Department and Head of the Aquatic Resources Management (MSP) Study Program, Dr.Ir. Suryanti, MPi., Secretary of the MSP study program, Dr.Churun Ain, S.Pi, M.Si., and the ranks of supervising lecturers and representatives from MSP Student Organizations such as Kecebonk and C-Fish.

The event began with a prayer led by M. Nursidiq Fathoni, a student from MSP Study Program. Then continued with a ribbon cutting as a symbolic act and marked the handover of the student room from the Head of Study Program to each representative of the MSP student organization. Through her remarks, the Head of MSP said that the HIMA room is a form of commitment of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Diponegoro University and MSP Study Program to provide infrastructure to support the existence and to help facilitate the activities of MSP student organizations. In addition, the Head of MSP Study Program also advised students to be responsible and maintain infrastructure as well as to be more active and encourage the student organizations of Department of Aquatic Resources to get more achievements.

Student Association Room

Meeting Room