Semarang, 2 April 2024
Congratulations to MSP students who have done the Judisium in March 2024🌻
The following is a list of names of students participating in the Judisium:
1. M. Fajar Iswanto 26010119130076
2. Fauziyah Wulandari 26010119130070
3. Febri Hutagalung 26010118120032
4. Widya Ayu Ristanti 26010120130049
5. Ismawati 26010119120009
6. Yogha Sebayang 26010117140027
7. Risqi Lazuardhi 2610118140064
8. Desi Yanti Laura Nadeak 26010120120003
9. Sri Kandhini 26010120130041