One of the genetic biodiversity in Alor Island is the marine mammal Dugong dugon. These marine mammals are often found on Kabola Beach.
The existence of marine mammals in the area has been managed exclusively and independently by Mr. One (Mr. Onesimus) lovingly for more than ten years. Now the Dugong biota has become one of the icons of ecotourism around the world. This mammal is internationally included in the protected category of the CITES Appendices. ConcerningConcerning the conservation of this marine mammal resource, the Alor water area is the place in its natural habitat.
This area is also an area that is often found with seagrass species of Halodule pinifolia, Enhalus acoroides , Halophila ovalis , and Thalassia hemprichii. Based on years of research and field observations, it is known that the staple food of dugongs is Halophila ovalis . Therefore, it is necessary to conserve and restore seagrass which is their natural food, especially Halophila ovalis seeds.
In connection with the preservation of this dugong as one of the Eco-Edu tourism clusters in the concept of developing an integrated marine geopark, the team from FPIK Undip (Prof. Dr. Dr. Ir Agus Hartoko, MSc and Dr. Ir. Hariyadi. MT) collaborated with the Implementing Team, FPP Untrib Kalabahi Rumah Alor (Dr. Jahved F Maro.M.Si) and Alor Regency (Jupiter N Sondi Kitarake) Representatives of the Navy and Fisheries and the Provincial Government of East Nusa and Seagrass Landmarks to be able to support the sustainability of the area by carrying out plant planting activities Seagrass Halophila ovalis that inhabits the dugong habitat around Kabola Beach and Sika Island, Alor
Seagrass rehabilitation and planting should be carried out on sandy beaches at low tide.
In the future, tourists in Eco-Edu-tourism marine geoparks can not only see Dugong in their habitat but also plant Halophila ovalis seagrass.
Tourists can also take action to clean the beach, and it is strictly forbidden to throw away plastic waste.
Writer : Dr. Ir. Agus Hartoko, M.Sc (Lecturer of Aquatic Resources Department)
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