The 2023 Career Seminar “Your Future Career Depends on Your Current Choices” was held on Saturday (16/9) morning. This seminar was attended by the Student Welfare Division of the Aquatic Resources Student Association which took place offline in Building D 111 FPIK Undip. This seminar presented a resource person, namely Adhi Nugroho (Co-founder and General Affairs of MLBIseafood)
The Career Seminar is included in the Alumni Network where the speakers are alumni from the Aquatic Resources Department. This event brings together alumni and students so that interaction is formed so that students get information about jobs and images and motivation in the career world.

Head of the Aquatic Resources Department, Dr.Ir. Suryanti, M.Pi, expressed his pleasure at the interaction between students and alumni regarding careers. He also conveyed the message to his students that college is not only about GPA but experience is more important.

The Chair of the Aquatic Resources Department Student Association, Usama Aydil Ba’asit, expressed the hope that students will continue to be active in non-academic activities, both organizational and other activities, so that students get provisions outside of academics that can help them in their future careers.
The Career Seminar speaker, Adhi Nugroho, is the Co-founder and General Affair of MLBIseafood discussing future careers related to the world of waters and fisheries.

Adhi mentioned that there are many prospects and opportunities related to the world of work, such as experts, administrative staff, professions and entrepreneurship. However, before deciding where we want to go in the future, get to know ourselves and analyze all the potential that exists within us first.

Adhi Nugroho tells how he first started building a business. Starting a business based on the knowledge he gained while studying at MSP Undip until his business continues to grow to this day and always designing strategies and building relationships so that the business he started continues to grow.

He said that according to LinkedIn survey results, 80% of professionals said that networking was very important for career success. Meanwhile, 70% of workers in 2016 were recruited by companies when they had connections.

He advised, keep looking, don’t finish by applying the vision, you need to look for different opportunities to see what is and what is not and the mission in productive times, there are many things we can choose, our only task is to do it immediately and do it. He added, always dare to be yourself, do what you want now, when your heart moves, don’t stop it.