AQUATIC, SEMARANG – In the hands of Yelfia, an alumni of the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program (MSP) of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University (FPIK UNDIP), catfish has become a variety of interesting processed products. She founded a business with the label MaRiSa Food in 2011 by making food products made from catfish. Initially she only processed catfish into shredded catfish but has now grown to produce various processed fish products such as ladrik, skin chips, crispy fillet, meatballs, fish rolls, nuggets, meatball tofu, shredded pastel and otak-otak.
“The business I’m in now is thanks to my educational background in the Department of Fisheries. After graduating from college, I worked in a national private company, which is engaged in fish processing. I worked there for three years, I resigned and the next 1.5 years I started a fish processing business with work experience and academic knowledge. Of course the capital is patience, tenacity, continuously innovating and always being consistent to produce hygienic, safe and nutritious products,” she said.
“The initial marketing of MaRISa Food products was done door-to-door, through social media, then obtained a Household Industry Production (PIRT) permit and joined the Purbalingga Regency Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Office program until finally entering modern shops. Our products do not use harmful ingredients such as borax, MSG and other preservatives, so the quality is guaranteed and safe for consumption. In the future, I hope not only to process catfish but also to be varied and innovate in processing other types of fish,” she continued.

Photo: Two variants of MaRISa Food
Yelfia said FPIK is a major that matches her passion, she entered the Interest and Ability Search (PMDK) class of 2002 and graduated in 2006. “My experience as an UNDIP student is a lot, especially getting knowledge that is very useful and I need it in the world of work, I have a fighting spirit, struggle within limitations, divide my time between being an academic and organizing,” she said.
“The young generation must be good at time management, focus on the main task, but also keep actualizing things that support self-development for preparation after graduation. The world of work is full of challenges and opportunities, there are many positive activities that can be done, such as organizing for character building, writing for those who like to write or trading to foster an entrepreneurial spirit,” she concluded. (Source: | Linda, Tim Humas UNDIP)