Terakreditasi A | 1582/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/V/2019
Ijin Penyelenggaraan: SK Dirjen Dikti No. 3024/D/T/2004 | Gelar lulusan: Doktor (Dr) | Kesetaraan dalam KKNI (Equivalent Level to Indonesian National Qualification framework: Level 9).
Program Doktor Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan (MSDP) memiliki visi menjadi program studi yang unggul secara ontologis dibidang ilmu Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan Pantai, berdedikasi, berkepribadian serta menguasai IPTEK yang berdaya guna dan berhasil guna, serta memiliki jejaring dan reputasi nasional dan internasional pada tahun 2024. Program studi ini terbuka bagi lulusan magister dari disiplin ilmu bidang perikanan dan kelautan, baik dari perguruan tinggi negeri maupun swasta.
Program ini bersifat multidisplin dan terapan untuk praktisi, peneliti dan akademisi yang ingin melanjutkan studi di bidang manajemen sumber daya perairan. Mahasiswa dari program doktor ini harus menyelesaikan 51 SKS (Satuan Kredit Semester) yang dapat ditempuh melalui jalur kuliah maupun riset dalam waktu 6 sampai 10 semester, termasuk publikasi jurnal internasional bereputasi.
Sebagai akademisi, peneliti, konsultan, wiraswasta dan birokrat.
Program studi ini menawarkan pendidikan intelektual yang menantang dalam lingkup internasional, proses yang interaktif dengan konten dan pendekatan interdisiplin, implementasi dan diseminasi konsep dan teknik perencanaan serta evaluasi pengelolaan sumber daya pesisir terpadu. Program studi ini menawarkan bidang konsentrasi Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, Akuakultur, Perikanan Tangkap, dan Teknologi Hasil Perikanan.
Ketua Program Studi: Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Si
+6224 76404447 |
Before starting to mine Bitcoins, it is essential to select the top bitcoin cloud mining the best cloud mining sites services. There are a lot of options available on the market, and the most reliable ones can be difficult to find. Also, you must make sure that your chosen service provides the services that you require. The most reliable bitcoin cloud mining services is one that has a calculator, which will show you the amount of profits you could expect. The company must only take the use of cryptocurrency to withdraw funds.
Bitcoin cloud mining companies Accept Bitcoin, PayPal and credit cards as payments. This option is preferable, because it is non-refundable. You should always pay for a trial period, as the best bitcoin cloud mining service must have a refund guarantee. It is important to choose a service that offers the features and services you want. When you’ve chosen the company you want to collaborate with, it’s important that you look at the particular features you’re looking for.
Genesis Mining is another option. This provider is well-known throughout the business and considered to be one of the top Bitcoin cloud mining services. Genesis is registered with the SEC as an Bitcoin mining trust which means that its contracts come with no end date. If your contract continues to generate income, you’ll be able to mine for as long as you’re satisfied. This way you don’t need to waste money on hardware.